Thursday, January 25, 2007

Delayed Rebound?


...were what I bought today. It's been 8 years since I bought anything remotely resembling them. Kinda stopped wearing makeup since I left my country and joined Operation Mobilisation... (missionaries are not supposeda be enamoured by stuff like this, so I reckoned).

OK, so why buy them now since I survived on borrowed makeup all these years?

Last Saturday's dinner was different. I mean, I've been to dozens of dinner events and gotten dolled up couple times a year, but something was different last week. I didn't realise it until I put on the makeup, checked the mirror and... man, it felt really good. I mean, I looked fine (ok, so I looked kinda good) and felt great.

I sure hope it's not a rebound syndrome from "neglecting my appearance" all these years. You know, swinging from one extreme to another and all that. Whatever it is, the stuff's already in the bag, ready for use.

Next: This Saturday's wedding!


WAHM said...

Hey.. thanks for dropping by! I'll check in more often now that I know you have a blog. Yes, we'llb e in church this sun - 1st service. Take care.

WAHM said...

eh... when can we see you dolled up?