Friday, February 02, 2007

Gotta get under the Wings

Dengue. The word escaped from my mom's mo
uth as she got into the car to break the news to me. OK, so it's just suspected dengue since she had non-abating fever for 5 days running even with antibiotic intakes. But the doctor wasn't taking chances, especially since she's already 70.

She's worried, about her health, hospital stays, bills, household matters, etc. My mom's a constant worrier, even when she's completely well. I try to un-worry her. In any case, the results will only be known in about 2 hours' time.

This news could not have come at a worse time. Already I am struggling "being a
t multiple crossroads" in my life, and this process usually saps all the energy outta me.

Today's Reading: Ps 91

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